When you purchase and install a Dux Ecosmart water heater, you may be eligible for a variety of incentives that reduce your upfront cost.
Each incentive has eligibility requirements that need to be met.
There are a number of incentives for Dux Ecosmart water heaters. Check with your council if additional rebates are available in your local area.

On 1 January 2011 STCs (Small-scale Technology Certificates) replaced Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for all eligible Solar or Heat Pump hot water systems.
The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) does not provide a rebate and is not a rebate-based scheme.
Each product in the Dux environmental range has been assigned a STC value, and each STC represents a saving of one megawatt of electricity generated from fossil fuels over 10 years.
Once you have had an eligible hot water system installed, you can assign the STCs to a registered agent in exchange for reimbursement or discount off the price of the system.
- Systems must be installed before they can create STCs (Do not sign an STC Assignment Form until your system is installed.).
- You must be the owner of the system at the time it is installed.
- STCs must be registered within 12 months of the installation date of the SWH.
Dux Hot Water is a registered agent so therefore STCs can be claimed directly through us, contact us for more details 02 4868 0495, renewableenergy@dux.com.au or fill out the application form below.
The Current STC rate is $35.00
For more information visit Clean Energy Regulator or call Dux Hot Water on 02 4868 0495
The ESS is an NSW government scheme designed to reduce electricity and/or gas use by creating financial incentives for households
and organisations to invest in upgrades to save energy.
Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) are provided for defined activities, which are traded to offset the upfront installed cost of the appliance.
The installation of eligible model heat pump and solar water heaters replacing electric and gas water heaters generate ESCs. Installations
replacing electric water heaters are eligible for more ESCs than those replacing gas water heaters. The more energy efficient the new heat
pump or solar water heater being installed, the greater the number of certificates that can be generated, and hence the higher the incentive.
The installation must be completed in conjunction with an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP), as there is a strict schedule of
activities and requirements that must be met to substantiate an eligible energy saving activity.
Once the system has been installed you are required to fill out and submit an application form through an approved agent. For more information about ESS, visit NSW Climate & Energy Action.

Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) are electronic certificates, each represents one tonne of carbon dioxide saved by installing a new energy efficient hot water system. Once you have had an eligible hot water system installed, you can assign the VEECs to a registered agent in exchange for reimbursement or discount off the price of the system.
- You must be replacing an electric and gas water heater with a new more energy efficient hot water system.
- VEECs are not available when installing a hot water system on a new building or dwelling.
Once the system has been installed you are required to fill out and submit an application form through an approved agent. For more information about VEECS, visit Essential Services Commission
VICTORIA – Victorian Solar Homes Program
Solar Victoria’s Solar Homes Program offers rebates and interest-free loans for installing solar panels, batteries and energy-efficient hot water systems to help Victorians save on energy costs for eligible owner-occupier households. Households eligible to receive the hot water rebate can claim a discount of up to $1,000 on the cost of a solar hot water or heat pump hot water system. These can be claimed in addition to both STCs and VEECs, making for a substantial discount for the household.
For more information, visit Victorian Solar Homes Program

ACT – Sustainable Household Scheme Low Interest Rate Finance Scheme
The ACT Sustainable Household Scheme offers eligible households a no interest rate loan on up to $15,000 (per household) for installing eligible products. These products must be listed on the VEU scheme, and provide at least 65% energy savings in zone 5.
The Dux Ecosmart heat pumps meet the eligibility criteria for this scheme.
Additional information can by visiting Climate Changes